Our Classes for Basic Home Repairs are absolutely Free
We invite you to look at our Events Page to see what trainings are available. To sign up, simply click on the Contact Us Block or Attend a Class Button and let us know what training you would like to sign up for. Did we mention the training is provided at no cost to you? IT IS FREE INDEED!!
Free Training!?! Yes!!!
Successful Basic Home Repair through Training
Our goal is to give everyone an opportunity to learn some basic home repairs by actually doing it in our shop setting. Currently, PLP does not have a permanent facility to do this from but are being hosted by Intersection Ministries in Holland. In the past year, we had drywall training for 6 ladies from the Holland and Hudsonville areas. They commented they “Loved the Hands-on Training and teachers”. Take a look at our Events page for more information.
What’s Next for PLP? We will need Volunteers, 1 new Board Members and some funding. We can survive without the Board Members, but if supporting PLP this way tugs at your heart, let us know.
Volunteers and Funding we cannot live without. We see an explosion of interest from our community for the type of training we are doing. We would love to have some of our previous students assist us with Co-Teaching the classes they have taken. They can pass on their experience and work with you on the same items they learned while in a PLP class.
Look at the PLP Needs tab for what is happening and what PLP needs from our community. Thanks in advance.
Another Thought… Sometimes we learn because we want to and other times out of necessity. Contractors that you may desire to do your work are possibly overloaded, too costly or the job is too small, so that is why you may decide to do it yourself. Once you have learned it, you can add that to your list of talents, but you can also help others with this new found talent or even get them hooked up with training opportunities through PLP. Continue to pray for the mission of PLP and all the aspects of running this ministry. God Bless you!
You can fix it too
Each class will focus on Safety, basic tools/techniques and some hands on when applicable. June was the soft start kick-off of our training sessions. We trained on Drywall repair and will repeat this training on November 18th and energy management in December. Pictured are the sample board of the steps for drywall repair and some of our general work stations for this training. Keep watching for new training dates, at least once per month will be scheduled.
Serving Holland/Zeeland, MI